Feature Requests
Submit IdeaShare your product ideas with the Flodesk team. Comment on an idea to follow its progress.
Recurring payments / Subscriptions
Ability to accept recurring/subscription type payments for Checkout
Meagan Entoft#New feature ⭐️#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒90
Calendar view of sent/scheduled emails
Ability to see calendar of when emails have been sent / dates they're scheduled to send on. Ability to click into the emails to view analytics.
Petra M#Emails ✉️#New feature ⭐️32
Thrivecart integration
Meagan Entoft#Integrations 🔗79
Facebook/Meta pixel
Support Facebook/Meta pixel on Flodesk forms/Checkout
Petra M#Integrations 🔗#Forms/Link in bio ☑️22
Translate double opt-in confirmation email subject line
Petra M#Emails ✉️#Internationalization 🌐6
Translate unsubscribe / preference pages
Ability to translate subscriber-facing product language
Meagan Entoft#New feature ⭐️#Internationalization 🌐0
Popup Cookie Banner
For those who are in Europe, in order to be legal our landings we need to have a pop up with the cookies banner cossent or at list an HTML block to add one!
Laura#Internationalization 🌐0
Change the language for parts of the Checkout page/ form fields
It would be super valuable if it was possible to change the language for parts of the Checkout page itself and the receipt email. I love flodesk and would really like to use it for my german audiences too. However, on the checkout page, the form fields would need to be in German too. Otherwise German customers will not enter their details. The same for the delivery page and receipt email. If you could do that, then flodesk would be the only application offering this service as even Stanstore does not offer this adjustment. Thank you for your consideration. Best wishes, Kat xx
Katarina#Improvement ✨#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒#Internationalization 🌐0
Schedule resend to unopens
Ability to schedule resend to unopens, instead of having to manually complete the action after 24 hours
Meagan Entoft#Emails ✉️#New feature ⭐️15
Improve subscriber tagging / management
Meagan Entoft#Improvement ✨#Audience 👥21
Allow multiple products to be sold
Meagan Entoft#New feature ⭐️#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒19
Accept payments with PayPal
Accept Checkout payments via PayPal
Meagan Entoft#New feature ⭐️#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒10
Payment plans
Ability to offer payment plans for Checkout purchases
Meagan Entoft#New feature ⭐️#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒20
Don't include unsubscribed in total subscriber numbers
It's really discouraging when Flodesk reminds me of how many people have unsubscribed from my list. This happens when I see the total (either for my whole list or for a segment) as one number and then see a lower number when I actually go to send an email. This seems completely pointless (I don't need to know the number that includes unsubscribes)! Please change it so that I only see the number of active subscribers (both in "you got a new subscriber" emails and in the totals that show for segments, etc.).
Mara#Improvement ✨#Emails ✉️#Audience 👥4
Calculate and collect Sales Tax / VAT
Ability to calculate/collect sales tax for Checkout purchases
Meagan Entoft#Improvement ✨#Checkout / E-Commerce 🛒13